Tuesday, October 4, 2016

He Calls You Lovely

“You guided my conception and formed me in the womb. You clothed me with skin and flesh, and you knit my bones and sinews together. You gave me life and showed me your unfailing love."
Job 10:10-12 NLT

Today, God wants to remind you how special you are! Before the hand of God touched the oceans with such unimaginable power, He envisioned you in His heart. He saw you and all you could be through the power of His supernatural grace. You are God's masterpiece, designed according to an divine plan so awesome that it's beyond your ability to comprehend. Have you ever wondered what He saw when He created you? Now close your eyes and see yourself. No imperfections, healthy and whole. That is the person He had in mind. You are stronger than you know, braver than you feel. Are you in bondage to low self esteem? Reclaim control over your life. Never lose an opportunity of seeing the beauty God created you to be, for beauty is God’s handprints. Now go out and live it. You are a beautiful blend of abilities God breathed into your soul. Claim every bit of who you are and the gifts and talents that He has given you. You are a child of God and...He calls you lovely.

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