Greetings and welcome to my blog.
My name is Jo Kent. I'm a Christian woman that deeply loves my Lord! My passion is ministering to women through writing, encouraging and teaching women to become the very best that God created them to be. It is my desire to edify, equip, and empower women to become the hands, feet, heart and voice of Jesus.
I am a wife, mother, grand and great grandmother. My husband is my best friend, encourager and wise council. We have a "big" loving family that bless our socks off! I love to walk in nature, cook, craft, study my bible, bible journal art, and host "Chic" gatherings.
My hearts desire is to be a good steward of the many blessings that God has bestowed upon me. As long as I live I will serve my Lord with open hands and an open heart! I am blessed!
I pray this will be a place where God will tap you on the heart and whisper..."I love you My precious daughter!" You are a daughter of a most high God, a holy princess, a woman created with strengths you’ve yet to fully grasp and a story that’s still being written by the divine Author Himself.
Sweetest blessings,
You can contact me by email at: