Friday, March 20, 2020

Abide In My Love

"Abide in Me and I in you." John 15:4

ABIDE... At the beginning of the year I always ask God for a word to guide my thoughts for the new year. This year the Holy Spirit whispered "ABIDE." At the time I didn't understand what the context of this word meant to my year. Now I can clearly see that it was for now. Here we are in the midst of a National Pandemic! We are in uncharted water's even for us Baby Boomers. Oh, for sure, disaster's have come such as 9-1. While that was horrific, it did not come with such a wide swath of potential death. God in His infinite mercy was preparing me for what was coming.
In our current climate some of you may be struggling with fear, yet others lean very deeply into your faith. Did you know that fear comes from the unknown and faith comes from knowing? We have no way of knowing when disaster will strike, but my friends, we should be prepared for the unknown. This is where God said, "Hide my word in your heart." For such a time as this. Knowing! 
Early this morning I ask the Lord, "Should I be afraid?" I didn't hear an answer but rather I saw a flashing neon light that said, "PROMISES" and I instantly knew this word was directly related to a recent study I have been studying, "All God's Promises." On my desk sits a picture with a verse I often go to that reminds me of God's faithfulness. It say's,
Blessed is she who has believed the Lord would fulfill His promise to her." Luke 1:45.
Jesus did not tell us to only bear fruit, but to also concentrate on abiding in Him. He was saying, "Dwell in Me, and let Me dwell in you." Dwelling in His presence gives us access to unlimited life-giving, soul tending, joy-producing communion with our Lord. Abiding in Him is much deeper than producing fruit, it is a decision of the heart. To abide in Him is to know the depths and riches of His love. David knew well what abiding in Christ meant. I pray that we all have hearts like David and say, "Earnestly I seek You; my soul thirsts for You." Psalm 63:1. Oh! To have a heart that echo's this!
"As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Abide in my Love." John 15:9.
Sweetest Blessings,






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