Monday, March 23, 2020

Perfect Love

"If we love one another, God dwells in us, and His love is perfected in us." 1 John 4:12

PERFECT LOVE... is a fundamental characteristic of who God is and considered to be the purest form of love. God's love is connected to His goodness. There is a distinct word for the type of love God displays, it's called "Agape love" and refers to benevolent and charitable love for others, the essence of Agape love is goodwill. I have been heartened this past week to watch everyone's differences being laid down for the goodwill for others needs. Many believe that love is a heart-warming feeling, and that's true, but as Christians we are called for it to be more than that, we are called to action. Through God's selfless love, we are commanded to love others as Jesus loved us. Jesus life was a living breathing display of humanity.

We share God's love by noticing the unnoticed, loving the unlovely, and extending grace to the needy. Friends, have you been tending to your relationships? This is our opportunity to mend broken relationships. It's called sacrificial love. Maybe communication between you and a loved one has soured over the years and you no longer share your lives together. A parent, a child, a sister or brother, a friend, a neighbor? Value each other and show it through love. Each person was written into your life's journey for a reason. One day, very soon, we will hopefully all be in Heaven together. A grand reunion! This is perfect love because the Master created it and He dwells in the midst.
Sweetest Blessings,



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