Wednesday, January 17, 2018

There's A Little Girl In Every Grown Women

 "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you change and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3
From my earliest memory to my seasoned years, I have always seen everything the same way. I have always looked at life through rose colored glasses. I still love the innocence of babies and the smell of puppy's breath. I still love the color pink and the smell of jasmine. I still love tea parties and cookies. I still believe in prince charming, I married one. Do I see myself aging? Of course...But, today, I choose to find beauty in my age. It is a gift from my Lord. It is special.
Has life tainted my innocent youthful memories...Not one bit! Sometimes, when life feels a little off balance, I'll take a moment and journey back to the sweet days of my youth and I am reminded that I still love all the same things, and they are good. If you struggle to find joy in your world today, take a stroll back through your childhood and remember all the things that made your heart happy! It's the simple things that create joy. God created us that way! And it is good!

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