Friday, November 10, 2017

My Secret Place

What's On My Heart Today "My Secret Place"
"But When you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut the door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees you in secret will reward you openly." Matthew 6:6
Jesus sat on the mountainside among multitudes of followers. This day, He was teaching the people how to pray. The Scripture tells of to "pray to your Father who is in a secret place." Notice the Word does not say "When" you pray, it says, "If" you pray. This speaks to the priority to pray. Do we make it our priority to pray everyday? I call my prayer room my "Secret place on high" but I call my God's presence my, "Holy of Holies." It's a Spiritual place and it's very special, because my God meets me there and I talk to Him about everything important in my life. And He listens! I tell Him about my family, my struggles, my concerns, my hopes, and my needs. He talks to me about what hurts my heart and what gives me joy. There is nothing that He doesn't care about. Meet God in your secret place everyday and get to know Him in a personal way. It will change your life. He loves you so much!

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