Sunday, September 22, 2024

Our Lord Gives Wise Counsel


Our Lord Gives Wise Counsel

"I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons." Psalm 16:7.

Decision's...I was close to middle age before I realized that my decisions had long arms. (Consequence). Not that all the decisions I made were awful but many of my decisions were not wise either. Have you ever consciously made a hasty decision to get a hair cut rather than take time to reason? How did that work our for you? People make thousands of decisions each and every day. Many small, yet, others, monumental and life changing. While some of these turn out great, chances are that not every decision you make will be a good one. Bad decisions definitely come home to roost. What would it be like to experience peace like a river everyday? It's easy to pin point bad decisions, our Spirit will not be at peace. Thankfully, we have a  Heavenly Father who cares greatly about our decisions who will send His Holy Spirit to lead us through life's winding path. Wise counsel helps us navigate options, make decisions, take actions, and respond well in situations and relationships. Thankfully, God has a plan for each of our lives if we include Him in all our decision making. He desires to partner with us to watch it unfold. 

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to Him." james 16:9.

"A fool despises good council, but a wise man takes it to heart." 

Sweetest Blessings, 

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