Sunday, May 3, 2020

Prayer closet

"But you, when you pray, go into your room and when you have shut the door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place...." Matthew 6:6a NKJV
Prayer Closet/War Room... I can't imagine women's ministry without an emphasis on prayer. Whether it is praying for women or with women. I love the movie "War Room."  If you haven't seen it, Oh' please do! If you have seen it, this is a good time to revisit it. It is about Clara, a feisty older woman who is a prayer warrior. It makes my heart smile just to see her in my minds eye. Sister's, every trial we face is fought on the battlefield of prayer. It doesn't matter if you are fighting for your family, your faith, your health, or walking through financial hardship. The truth is every victory or defeat is fought in the spirit before it manifests in the natural.
Have you set up a "Prayer  Closet?" or maybe you call it your "War Room?" Even a small corner between bed and a wall works just fine. It can be organized or unorganized, neat or cluttered. The point is, to prioritize your private prayer time. Where do you meet God to pray, where does He expect to find you? If you have been neglecting your prayer room, make it a goal to visit it at least once a day. My Prayer Closet/War Room, (depending on the day) is not a place I go to tell God what I need. It's a place I go where He invites me to set in His presence with no distraction. When we are underwhelmed in our prayer life, we become overwhelmed in our daily life. Here's the thing... God is available to you 24/7. You don't even have to make an appointment, He takes walk-ins. I pray you find this secret place and visit it daily.
Sweetest Blessings.

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