Friday, March 22, 2019

One Day at a Time

One day at a time! This is my heart cry these past few years. Everyday comes with it's own issues. It's called "Life!" Life encompasses good days and bad days. After all, if all our days were perfect, we wouldn't need each other and we wouldn't need God.

Oh! I can council other sisters to be strong and teach them how to put on their "Whole Armor of God," (Ephesians 6:10). But on occasion, my weak flesh rises up to betray me. On the days when I feel overwhelmed or discouraged I have to remind myself of our Scripture today.

"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Translated in my thoughts…"One day at a time! 
Praise God! When a day dawns weak for me, I've learned to lean into my hearts desire, to get into an atmosphere of worship! A "deep calls unto deep" worship time. Soon, whatever it was that had my soul uneasy is gone.  Something deep in my heart is touched by the Spirit through the music and worship. A refreshing takes place. I feel whispers of love.

My dearest friends, the next time you wake up and your heart weighs heavy, get deep into worship and soon, whatever has weighed heavy on your heart, will drift away and in it's place… Sweet peace! Blessings dear hearts.

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