Friday, March 8, 2019

Humility Brings Honor

"No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening, it is painful! But afterward there will be a quiet harvest of peaceable fruit of righteousness for those who are trained in this way." Hebrews 12:11.
HUMILITY... The lessons in humility is a road well traveled. For me, this journey has been a long and difficult experience that has not come without struggle. Correction can leave one with a chilly heart. I would be the first to point out most all my flaws, but still, it is never easy to hear others who feel free enough to point them out to me. If correction is given in love, it can be received in love. I know this truth, there is power in correction. It is good to be humble enough to receive correction, yet confident enough not to allow correction to take root in our heart. The writer of Hebrews had a lot to say about why God corrects us. It is not for punishment, rather, it makes us teachable. God loves us and wants us to strive to be the very best we can be. How do you react to correction? Confident people who have validated themselves as valuable can receive correction without taking offense... Humility Brings Honor.
Sweetest Blessings,




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