Monday, January 8, 2018

In His Time

In His Time... I know what being overloaded, overwhelmed and burdened feels like. I suspect many of you can relate. I learned well the hard lessons of "Burn Out!" After almost 5 years of being ALL things to ALL people, I was left a broken down product of an entire season of my life. I spent all the next season in basic hibernation with a broken spirit and a broken body. You see, our physical health is directly related to our spiritual health. I was no use to others or myself. I had seriously burned out! After a few months of trying to fix myself, and maybe, just a little self-pity, asking myself "How did I get here?" I was a completely empty vessel... Enter the Potter!
"Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter." Isaiah 64:8
After what seemed like months, when my thoughts settled enough to hear the sweet sound of my loving Father's voice, He walked me through what I could not see. He showed me the hard reality of truth... I was "NOTHING WITHOUT HIM!" He took me on a journey and showed me many things. All the while gently whispering into my broken spirit.
He showed me how to move forward, taking baby steps, He taught me how to walk in His footprints. Not stepping ahead of Him, not to stepping to the right or left of Him, and never, never lagging behind Him, where the enemy could sneak upon me. In short, if His footprints did not turn, my steps were not to turn either.
You see, if you don't let Him guide you, you will most assuredly loose your way. The enemy will be only too glad to pluck you away from God's protection. He will put you on a battlefield of the mind, body and soul.
Have I lost my way since that horrible season? Only when I said "Yes" when I should have said "No." Stepping out of His footprints. Is there an instruction book for these lessons? You betcha...The "BIBLE" and it's breathed by God and is without error, and does not misrepresent the facts. It is entirely trustworthy and is the final authority on everything it teaches.
We can never get our lost season's back, but my lovely friends, we can walk out the remainder of our seasons in peace and joy because we learned the most valuable lesson of all..."With God, ALL things are possible...In His Time!"
"He has made everything beautiful in His time." Ecclesiastes 3:11

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