Monday, October 10, 2022

The Words We Speak

What's On My Heart Today

The Words We Speak

"Set a guard, O Lord over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips." Psalm 141:3.

Say what! Did I just say that? That wasn't me...or was it? The words we speak matter. They are the first impression others will have about what's in our heart. Seriously, haven't we all had those moments when we are having a conversation and something comes out our mouth that just didn't set well in our spirit? Why did I just say that? The Holy Spirit is tapping you on the shoulder to remind you that you just stepped out of line. Truth be known, we are all guilty of saying words that we regretted. Everyday we speak countless words, often paying little attention to the words themselves. Words that leave wounds. Out of our hearts overflow, they come before we stop to measure the weight of them. Words are so powerful that God said every idle word would be judged. (Matthew 12:36). These words beckons each of us to be more mindful of what and how we speak. They can never be retreived. They become the house we live in. Make today the day you decide to, "Set guard over my mouth." The words that we speak over our friends and family should always be words of blessing, not burdens. 

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits." Proverbs 18:21.
Sweetest Blessings,

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