Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Sparrow

The Sparrow... Have you ever wondered why God chose such a common bird to illustrate such a profound truth? There is an insightful lesson for each of us through the life of a little sparrow. I often stand at my window and watch these tiny birds as they gather their food and build their nests. They seemingly have no worries at all where their food is coming from or where they will nest for the night. Oh, that we could embrace the simplicity of trusting our Abba Father. God knows our needs and He cares about things that we don't even notice. In Jesus Sermon on the Mount, He is using something common and inconsequential to explain that there is nothing that escapes God's notice. I am reminded... "Jesus is our Portion." Let us allow the beauty of this simple expression of boundless faith to grip our hearts today. Let's join hearts and sing,  "I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free, His eye is on the Sparrow and I know He watches me." Today if you are worried, discouraged or maybe you are having a very bad week, be encouraged. The sparrow was not created in God's image... WE WERE! In God's eyes we are worth immeasurably more than a sparrow.
Said the robin to the sparrow,
"I would really like to know
why those anxious human beings
rush around and worry so."
Said the sparrow to the robin,
"Friend, I think that it must be
that they have no Heavenly Father
such as cares for you and me." 
Lord, You will be our song, You will be our praise, You will be our voice, You will be our strength. You will lift us up, You know all our needs, all that is unspoken. You hold the pieces of all that are broken. You will be my portion. "Jehovah Jireh."
Sweetest Blessings,


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