Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Held Hostage By Our Thoughts

What's On My Heart Today...  "Held Hostage By Our Thoughts"

Are you like most of us women that tend to over think everything? "Should I" or "Shouldn't I?" It's a pattern that we have developed over a lifetime of disappointments. What does your decision making look like? Do you make decisions on the whim, impulsive, without much thought of the consequences or do you take the time to think through the outcome of your decisions? As women, every day we are faced with numerous choices. This is the Biblical principle for making decisions, ALL decisions should honor God! If you do not put God into your decision making you will never find peace and harmony. It's that simple! Today, God would say to you...

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." Proverbs 16:9

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